Brittney Yates

April 14, 1935

Dear Diary,
I must be honest, I’m scared. I am terrified. The wind and dust just keeps on going and going. Momma’s holding baby John with little Mary Jane all curled up next to her. John is wailing while Momma’s tearfully trying to shush him. It’s a bit strange seeing Momma cry, I’m so used to her being kind, strong Momma, who never cries. Papa’s walking over to them now, trying to tell them it’s gonna be ok, that the world isn’t ending, but even he’s got an expression I’ve never seen on his  face before. Fear. He’s scared too. Big, strong, fearless Poppa, is scared of the black, dust filled world around us. ‘Course I am too, we’re all scared. I know Momma and Poppa have been talking about leaving, like a lot of folks around here are. I’ve also seen Momma going into that building. That building scares me too. I’m not really sure what’s in there, and I’m too scared to ask. But sometimes I wonder what could make Momma look so bone tired and sad every time she comes out. I’m coughing a little, wondering what’s gonna happen now. I seem to be doing that more now, the coughing I mean. Everytime I cough, Momma looks at me with an expression so sad and horrified, I wanna cry. I wonder if she knows why I’m coughing. Maybe I’ll find out soon. Poppa’s waving for me to come over with them now. I gotta go and be with them while the world is turning black.


Dear Soldier,
Thank you,
Thank you for your valiance
Thank you for your nobility,
Thank you for your sacrifice
Thank you for your life.
‘Fight bravely and come home safely’ they tell you,
Yet you watch as the brave die on a land away from home.
They are thanked for their valiance
They are thanked for their nobility
They are thanked for their sacrifice
They are thanked for their price they paid.
That imposible price to be payed.
Thanks for the waiting
Thanks for the wondering
Thanks for asking that question every morning.
That question that has no guaranteed answer,
That sets every man trembling and every women weeping,
“Will I be sent home today?”
They give thanks that you came home again
They give thanks that they have you, while others may not,
They give thanks that they can say goodbye--
And kiss your forever-sleeping eyes,
As someone hollowly says ‘Thank you for your service’
Thank you, Selfless Soldier, for your life you gave.


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